Journalist charged for West Darfur land ownership article

The Director of the West Darfur Land Administration has filed a complaint against journalist Adam Abdelrahim Dungos, editor of Sowt El Shaab newspaper, for an article published in the newspaper about 330 pieces of land in El Geneina which are apparently not registered in the names of the rightful owners.

The Director of the West Darfur Land Administration has filed a complaint against journalist Adam Abdelrahim Dungos, editor of Sowt El Shaab newspaper, for an article published in the newspaper about 330 pieces of land in El Geneina which are apparently not registered in the names of the rightful owners.

Journalist Alaeldin Babikir told Radio Dabanga that on Wednesday, the prosecution conducted an interview with Dungos and charged him with defamation of character and publishing false news.

The newspaper reported that a number of beneficiaries were surprised to discover that in spite of having received contracts from the Ministry, lands allocated to them were registered in the names of others.

In the article, the beneficiaries accused the Land Administration of delaying the compensation decided by the Legislative Council.

