JEM warns against threats to prisoners in Omdurman

In a press release issued by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on Sunday, it is said that security guards at the Omdurman Prison stormed cells occupied by JEM prisoners.These prisoners have been jailed since the JEM invaded Omdurman in 2008 and are allegedly awaiting execution. According to the JEM, the action was sparked by the recent clashes between government forces and the Sudan Revolutionary Front in Um Rawaba, North Kordofan. Moreover, the press release warned the government of Sudan that all prisoners of war are protected by the international convention of Geneva. Also, the JEM claims that all of its prisoners in Omdurman have been granted presidential amnesty as part of the Good Will Agreement which the movement signed in February of 2009. File photo

In a press release issued by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on Sunday, it is said that security guards at the Omdurman Prison stormed cells occupied by JEM prisoners.

These prisoners have been jailed since the JEM invaded Omdurman in 2008 and are allegedly awaiting execution. According to the JEM, the action was sparked by the recent clashes between government forces and the Sudan Revolutionary Front in Um Rawaba, North Kordofan.

Moreover, the press release warned the government of Sudan that all prisoners of war are protected by the international convention of Geneva. Also, the JEM claims that all of its prisoners in Omdurman have been granted presidential amnesty as part of the Good Will Agreement which the movement signed in February of 2009. 

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