Intensive air raids on villages in East and North Darfur kill 12, injure more than 10

Alledged Sudanese Air Force bombardments in Sheiria locality, East Darfur, have reportedly killed 12 members of one family. More than ten people were injured. According to witnesses, an Antonov bombed the furqaan (temporary nomads’settlements) of el Haj Abdelrahman Abakar, Salih Abakar, and Abdelrahman, northwest of Sheiria, on Sunday afternoon. Tehy are located south of the East Darfur village of Khazaan Jadid.  Among the injured were women and a four-year-old child. Seven of them were transferred to the nearby Nyala hospital, the others to a local hospital in Sheiria. The witnesses said that the bodies of 11 people were buried at dawn on Monday. They were Zeinab Salih Abakar, Aisha Salih Abakar, Abakar Salih Abakar, Hamid Abdelrahman Abakar, Beida Abdelrahman Abakar, Khadija Musa Hammadi, el Sheikh Adam, Hamid Mohamed Abdelrahman, and Dahiya Mohamed Salih Abakar. A woman from the same family, pregnant to full term, lost her child and died on Monday in Nyala hospital. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, nomads from the area confirmed that the Sudanese Air Force on Sunday launched intensive air raids on several areas in North and East Darfur. Among the villages bombed in North Darfur are Abu Delek, and Um Shijeira.  File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid  Related: Renewed air raids on East Jebel Marra in Darfur (16 October 2013)Renewed air raids on East Jebel Marra; rebels attack North Darfur garrison (9 October 2013)22 air raids around Guldo, West Jebel Marra, Darfur (3 October 2013)Heavy air raids on areas north and east of Korma, North Darfur (27 September 2013)

Alledged Sudanese Air Force bombardments in Sheiria locality, East Darfur, have reportedly killed 12 members of one family. More than ten people were injured.

According to witnesses, an Antonov bombed the furqaan (temporary nomads’settlements) of el Haj Abdelrahman Abakar, Salih Abakar, and Abdelrahman, northwest of Sheiria, on Sunday afternoon. Tehy are located south of the East Darfur village of Khazaan Jadid. 

Among the injured were women and a four-year-old child. Seven of them were transferred to the nearby Nyala hospital, the others to a local hospital in Sheiria.

The witnesses said that the bodies of 11 people were buried at dawn on Monday. They were Zeinab Salih Abakar, Aisha Salih Abakar, Abakar Salih Abakar, Hamid Abdelrahman Abakar, Beida Abdelrahman Abakar, Khadija Musa Hammadi, el Sheikh Adam, Hamid Mohamed Abdelrahman, and Dahiya Mohamed Salih Abakar. A woman from the same family, pregnant to full term, lost her child and died on Monday in Nyala hospital.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, nomads from the area confirmed that the Sudanese Air Force on Sunday launched intensive air raids on several areas in North and East Darfur. Among the villages bombed in North Darfur are Abu Delek, and Um Shijeira. 

File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid 


Renewed air raids on East Jebel Marra in Darfur (16 October 2013)

Renewed air raids on East Jebel Marra; rebels attack North Darfur garrison (9 October 2013)

22 air raids around Guldo, West Jebel Marra, Darfur (3 October 2013)

Heavy air raids on areas north and east of Korma, North Darfur (27 September 2013)





