IDPs say Sudan gov sends imposters to collect WFP ration cards

An unknown group claiming to be affiliated with the World Food Programme deceived some of the displaced residents of Al Salaam Camp near El Fasher into giving up their ration cards.

An unknown group claiming to be affiliated with the World Food Programme deceived some of the displaced residents of Al Salaam Camp near El Fasher into giving up their ration cards. The displaced people told Radio Dabanga that the organization fixed the 20th of this month as the date for the final collection of the cards. The displaced say that the deception is part of efforts by the government to break up the camps. Radio Dabanga asked WFP officials in El Fasher whether the organization that went into Al Salaam camp was affiliated with WFP, and the officials strongly denied any connection to this group and said that they had never initiated any effort to collect the cards of the displaced.

