Human Rights Day: UN in Sudan pledges support for democratic change

To mark International Human Rights Day today, which is observed every year on 10 December, the United Nations in Sudan has issued a statement acknowledging “the courage and determination of the people of Sudan to fight for a democratic society in which their rights and freedoms are respected, whoever they are”. The UN also pledges to continue to support the people of Sudan in this regard.

“All Human, All Equal” is this year’s slogan for Human Rights Day (Photo: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)

To mark International Human Rights Day today, which is observed every year on 10 December, the United Nations in Sudan has issued a statement acknowledging “the courage and determination of the people of Sudan to fight for a democratic society in which their rights and freedoms are respected, whoever they are”. The UN also pledges to continue to support the people of Sudan in this regard.

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted seven decades ago, established the equality and dignity of every human being, and the duty of every government to provide an environment in which its people can enjoy and exercise their rights as the foundation for freedom, justice, and peace in the world,” the statement says

“The theme for International Human Rights Day this year of ‘Equality, reducing inequalities, advancing human rights’ insists on the core principle of dignity and a world free from discrimination, a world in which women and youth are empowered and children’s rights are respected.”

The UN says that during this year’s “16 days of activism against gender-based violence” campaign, it has engaged with Sudanese women, including women activists from Darfur, “who have all expressed their determination to continue to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Sudan”.

The statement highlights that the Universal Declaration underscores the right to express one’s opinions freely, without interference, and for one’s views to be heard, on decisions that affect one’s wellbeing. People also have the right to demand a just and free society, based on the rule of law, as this is the only path towards prosperity and sustainable peace.

“We have publicly raised our concern about all human rights violations, including the unlawful detention of hundreds of people, attacks against journalists and human rights defenders, and the death of many people as a result of excessive use of force by security forces during the recent protests. The people of Sudan have a right to protest peacefully; journalists must be allowed to do their work freely, and they and civil society activists and other human rights defenders should be protected. All those responsible for violations committed must be held accountable.”

The statement concludes: “On this Human Rights Day, we would like to acknowledge the courage and determination of the people of Sudan to fight for a democratic society in which their rights and freedoms are respected, whoever they are. We will continue to support you.”

Poster for Human Rights Day 2021 (UN Hight Commissioner for Human Rights)


