Herders murdered in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra

Militiamen killed a herdsman and his son near Malam in East Jebel Marra on Friday. “Janjaweed on camelback murdered Shumo Haroun (60) and his son Adam (30) on Friday,” a listener in El Malam reported to Radio Dabanga. The herders had settled in a pastoral camp, 5 km north of El Malam. “After the killing, the gunmen took 75 of Haroun’s cows, and left towards the area south of El Malam.” File photo

Militiamen killed a herdsman and his son near Malam in East Jebel Marra on Friday.

Janjaweed on camelback murdered Shumo Haroun (60) and his son Adam (30) on Friday,” a listener in El Malam reported to Radio Dabanga. The herders had settled in a pastoral camp, 5 km north of El Malam.

“After the killing, the gunmen took 75 of Haroun’s cows, and left towards the area south of El Malam.”

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