Hail of gunfire as farmer gang-raped in North Darfur

A 16-year-old girl has been raped while tilling her fields in North Darfur. Her attackers drove-off other farmers with gunfire.

A 16-year-old girl has been raped while tilling her fields in North Darfur. Her attackers drove-off other farmers with gunfire.

Omda Mukhtar Bosh told Radio Dabanga that on Friday at least three militiamen riding camels attacked the girl in the Um Arda area, 15 kilometres south of Tawila in North Darfur.

The men raped her repeatedly. Omda Bosh said that when other farmers heard the girl’s screams, they rushed to the scene, but the gunmen opened fire into the air, which forced them to take cover.

The girl was transferred to El Fasher for treatment “in a state of poor physical and psychological health,” the Omda said.

