Gunmen rape four girls in North Darfur

Four girls were raped in Saraf Umra locality and East Jebel Marra in North Darfur state on Thursday and Friday. One of the victims might succumb to her wounds.

Unknown armed men raped a 10-year-old girl near Wadi Singo in south Saraf Umra on Thursday. The victim was not found until Friday afternoon, and she is in a coma in Saraf Umra hospital.

The coordinator of camp Dankoj told Radio Dabanga that the girl was raped when she went out to the farm to help her mother on Thursday and militiamen attacked her on the road. They left her bleeding and lying in the grass, which made it difficult for a group of rescuers to find her.

Four girls were raped in Saraf Umra locality and East Jebel Marra in North Darfur state on Thursday and Friday. One of the victims might succumb to her wounds.

Unknown armed men raped a 10-year-old girl near Wadi Singo in south Saraf Umra on Thursday. The victim was not found until Friday afternoon, and she is in a coma in Saraf Umra hospital.

The coordinator of camp Dankoj told Radio Dabanga that the girl was raped when she went out to the farm to help her mother on Thursday and militiamen attacked her on the road. They left her bleeding and lying in the grass, which made it difficult for a group of rescuers to find her the next day.

It was 5pm on Friday when they did and brought the girl to the hospital for treatment. The coordinator described that she sustains very serious wounds because she had spent a long time out in the open, and said that she might die from the injuries.

In East Jebel Marra, three girls from Dawa village were raped by a group of gunmen on Thursday. A woman who is related to one of the victims reported to Radio Dabanga that the three were attacked on their way from Tabit to Dawa, 8km west of Tabit. The seven militiamen that attacked them were riding on camels.

The men threatened the girls with weapons and left them in poor condition after raping them. The woman appealed to the security authorities to tackle the militiamen, which she said have become a threat to the safety in the region.

