Grim toll rises in ongoing Sudan conflict

A person injured during the clashes between the SAF and the RSF this month awaits treatment in Nyala South Hospital (Photo: RD)

Claims of military deaths on both sides, as well as an ever-increasing toll of civilian casualties, either caught in crossfire and shelling, or murdered during robberies, characterise the ongoing hostilities between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), and the ensuing collateral mayhem across the country. A lack of security on the ground makes it difficult to independently verify claims and counterclaims, and exact numbers hard to confirm, however the numbers paint a grim picture.

On Friday, the SAF intensified its attacks on the stronghold of the RSF in Khartoum, and shelled a number of areas in Omdurman and Bahri. A source told Radio Dabanga from Omdurman that the army attacked the RSF-controlled neighbourhood of El Masalma in Omdurman as well as the East Soba area. Reports say that the RSF responded with artillery fire.

A group or RSF fighters reportedly stormed the village of Nuba, just south of the border between El Gezira and Khartoum states. Civilian doctor Abdelrahman Ahmed was killed outright. Osama Abdeljalil was shot twice in the abdomen and died of his wounds later. A source told Radio Dabanga that “the RSF is present in the area”, adding that there are cases of RSF militiamen robbing civilians.

The SAF claim to have killed 26 RSF combatants in the area of Farajallah, between Bara and El Obeid in North Kordofan.

The army said in a statement, that “the special task forces of the Fifth Infantry Division – Haggana – in the city of El Obeid attacked the rebel militia in the Farajallah area, killing 26 RSF fighters, and destroying two combat vehicles. The SAF claim to have wounded “a large number” of RSF, “without losses in the ranks of our armed forces”.


Renewed fighting on Thursday evening between the SAF and the RSF in Nyala, led to the death of at least five people, and many injuries of varying degrees.

The Darfur Bar Association and its partners said that on Friday, the city of Nyala witnessed the fall of many missiles as a result of mutual shelling between the army and the RSF, which killed five people including two children.

Arms cache seized

The intelligence section of the SAF 11th Infantry Division in Khashm El Girba in Kassala, claims that the division has seized 86 sniper rifles and 20 Kalashnikov assault rifles, allegedly bound for the RSF in Khartoum. The arms cache was being transported in two vehicles en route “from a neighbouring country”, the intelligence section says.

The statement add that a clash between the SAF and four suspected smugglers lasted for several hours, however the suspects managed to escape after a violent confrontation.

