Grenades injure boys in West Kordofan

Unidentified persons fired four rocket-propelled grenades on El Tirain, wounding two children on Wednesday morning. Markets witness an increased amount of imported goods, disrupting local economies.

Unidentified persons fired four rocket-propelled grenades on El Tirain in Lagawa, West Kordofan, wounding two children on Wednesday morning. Markets in the state witness an increased amount of imported goods, disrupting local economies.

A villager told Radio Dabanga that gunmen fired the RPGs for unknown reasons. Shells that scattered through the area wounded the boys Ashraf Hassan Dhaou El Bait and El Dhamir Hassan Dhaou El Bait, but caysed no other damage. The attackers fled to an unknown destination.

Imported oils

A member of the high committee for development in West Kordofan, Adam Mohamed Laban, told this station that farmers and producers of food are “facing bankruptcy”. “They are about to be taken to prison because of the recession caused by imported oils flooding the markets.”

Laban said that several oil factories have stopped working because the state's Ministry of Finance has reduced the tax on imported oils from 40 percent to 10 percent. This has caused serious damage to oil seed producers in West Kordofan.

In early April, the security forces in Lagawa prevented residents from Tulushi, Tema, and Wali from purchasing basic necessities, medicines, and gasoline from the market, under the pretext of their presence in areas controlled by the rebel SPLM-North. Last Sunday, bakers in El Muglad started a strike against the reduced flour quota, causing a more severe bread shortage in the town.

