Girl dies in East Darfur blaze

A seven-year-old girl has died in an extensive fire that broke out in the northern part of Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, on Friday afternoon.

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A seven-year-old girl has died in an extensive fire that broke out in the northern part of Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, on Friday afternoon.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the fire destroyed more than 15 houses. Several donkeys also died in the blaze, and large quantities of agricultural crops, foodstuffs, and property were damaged.

The commissioner of Ed Daein, Ali Sharif, said that the fire was caused by an electrical problem that he described as “limited”. He confirmed that the competent emergency services managed to extinguish it.

The body of the girl, whose name has not yet been made public, was found in one of the destroyed houses.

