Fuel shortage halts grain mills, water pumps across Sudan

A countrywide fuel shortage has forced grain mills to shut-down and water pumping engines to fall silent in many states of Sudan, especially in the most remote areas.

A countrywide fuel shortage has forced grain mills to shut-down and water pumping engines to fall silent in many states of Sudan, especially in the most remote areas.

Livestock owners, especially in the states of North and East Darfur and El Gedaref, have expressed concern that their livestock will die of thirst because of lack of fuel for the operation of water engines.

The owners of brick factories have also complained of interruption of their work due to the fuel crisis.

A number of farmers in the rain farming sector said they may be out of the summer season and cannot farm in the event fuel is not available for ploughing before the rains.

The price of a gallon of petrol in Nyala has risen to SDG 300 (*$10.66) on the black market, a gallon of diesel to SDG 250 ($8.88) and a jerry can of diesel in El Gezira to SDG 550 ($19.55).

The fuel crisis in most Sudanese states including Kordofan, Darfur, the Eastern states has created problems in access to water, consumer goods and transportation.

* Based on the indicative US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS)

