Fuel shortage bites across Sudan
The shortage of fuel and cooking gas has renewed in Khartoum and a number of states over the past two days. People reported to Radio Dabanga that buses and trucks have been lining in queues in front of fuel stations for long hours on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The shortage of fuel and cooking gas has renewed in Khartoum and a number of states over the past two days. People reported to Radio Dabanga that buses and trucks have been lining in queues in front of fuel stations for long hours on Tuesday and Wednesday.
A number of states have announced an increase in the price of petroleum products in response to the increased demand for transportation.
El Gezira
The Ministry of Finance in El Gezira state announced amendment of the categories of transport of petroleum products from Port Sudan to Medani by 80 per cent and approved the increase in the categories of transportation.
Residents of Kassala in eastern Sudan have complained of a severe traffic crisis due to lack of fuel.
A resident reported that vehicles line up in long queues in front of fuel stations and warned of smuggling of fuel to the neighbouring countries, despite the government’s announced strict measures to combat smuggling.
He explained that the sale of fuel on the black market is at prices far above the official price and called on the state government to urgently intervene.
The fuel crisis in the towns of Sennar state in Central Sudan has caused transport crisis and overcrowding of passengers in the transport stations for many hours.
A vehicle owner from Singa told Radio Dabanga that the fuel crisis has affected the lines of transport between the state capital Singa and the neighbouring areas.
Workers and employees of Singa said they are walking on foot for long distances to reach their workplaces because of the transport crisis.
Truck drivers said members of the security services in Saraf Omra in North Darfur have been confiscating fuel for the trucks coming from Khartoum for months, although the quantity is permitted by security services in the capital.
They accused the security services in Saraf Omra of complicity to smuggle the confiscated fuel to Chad
Nuba Mountains
The fuel crisis in Kadugli in the Nuba Mountains has completely paralysed transportation and left the city in complete darkness due to power cuts that affected access to drinking water.
Traders in Delling in South Kordofan reported the imposition of large increases in the prices of imported essential goods which exacerbated the suffering of residents of the city.
The prices of fuel, transportation and consumer goods have sharply risen in the markets of Nyala in South Darfur, this along with the city’s witnessing of drinking water crisis where El Wadi district has witnessed a cut of drinking water for five days in which a barrel of water has risen to SDG 30.
A housewife in Nyala reported to Radio Dabanga the increase of the prices of consumer goods, fuel and transportation tariff.