Fuel crisis in North Darfur capital growing

The fuel crisis in El Fasher is rapidly growing as fuel tankers are still stuck in West Kordofan.
“The price of a gallon of benzine at the black market now reached SDG40 ($36),” the owner of a gas station told Radio Dabanga.
He and his colleagues all accuse the government of monopolising the fuel market. “They distribute the various kinds of fuel to a number of brokers in order to make the most profits.”
The source said that hundreds of tankers and lorries are still stuck in West Kordofan’s En Nahud because the owners refuse to pay huge protection fees for the convoys they have to travel in to El Fasher.
It costs each bus, lorry, or tanker SDG1,000 ($162) for a place in a guarded convoy from En Nahud to El Fasher.

The fuel crisis in El Fasher is rapidly growing as fuel tankers are still stuck in West Kordofan.

“The price of a gallon of benzine at the black market now reached SDG40 ($36),” the owner of a gas station told Radio Dabanga.

He and his colleagues all accuse the government of monopolising the fuel market. “They distribute the various kinds of fuel to a number of brokers in order to make the most profits.”

The source said that hundreds of tankers and lorries are still stuck in West Kordofan’s En Nahud because the owners refuse to pay huge protection fees for the convoys they have to travel in to the North Darfur capital.

It costs each bus, lorry, or tanker SDG1,000 ($164) for a place in a guarded convoy from En Nahud to El Fasher.

