Fuel crisis continues in various parts of Sudan

The severe shortage of fuel that hit Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan, in the beginning of this year is still ongoing. People in northern Sudan’s Atbara reported “an acute fuel crisis” as well.
On Sunday, a resident of Kadugli reported “long lines in front of petrol stations for long hours in order to obtain just one gallon of fuel”.
He said that they are also still suffering from daily power cuts.
People in Atbara in River Nile state told Radio Dabanga that the “acute fuel crisis” has led to the closure of all petrol stations in the city.
Khartoum as well suffers from a lack of fuel since the beginning of this month. The shortage extended to Wad Madani, Hasaheesa, and Ruffaa in El Gezira mid-April, causing a public transport crisis in the towns.

The severe shortage of fuel that hit Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan, in the beginning of this year is still ongoing. People in northern Sudan’s Atbara reported “an acute fuel crisis” as well.

On Sunday, a resident of Kadugli reported “long lines in front of petrol stations for long hours in order to obtain just one gallon of fuel”.

He said that they are also still suffering from daily power cuts.

People in Atbara in River Nile state told Radio Dabanga that the “acute fuel crisis” has led to the closure of all petrol stations in the city.

The fuel crisis paralysed the movement in Port Sudan, the capital of Red Sea state, and delayed the harvest in el Gezira and el Managil schemes in March.

Reports about a lack of fuel in Khartoum appeared in the beginning of this month. The shortage extended to Wad Madani, Hasaheesa, and Ruffaa in El Gezira in mid-April, causing a public transport crisis in the towns, and to En Nahud in West Kordofan.


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