Four people killed in new floods in Red Sea state

Floods resulting from heavy rains in Red Sea state have killed four people in Tokar on Thursday. The road between Tokar and Port Sudan has been cut off.

Flooding of the river El Gash in Kassala State, eastern Sudan, in July 2016 (RD)

Floods resulting from heavy rains in Red Sea state have killed four people in Tokar on Thursday. The road between Tokar and Port Sudan has been cut off.

The commission of Tokar, Mekki Abdallah, has announced that authorities will form an operations team to monitor the situation.

Torrential rains that started on Wednesday last week are still continuing and hindering life in a number of places in Red Sea state. Last week a young man drowned in the eastern part of Port Sudan.

Floods have affected Arbaat and its agricultural fields, north of Port Sudan. Water and electricity supply halted. Hundreds of livestock and poultry drowned.

In the villages of Shidyab and Togarib in Haya locality, hundreds of people are living in the open after their homes were destroyed by the rains, Radio Dabanga reported on Sunday. Volunteers have distributed food and medical aids to the victims and people voiced demands to the local authorities and aid organisations to intervene.

