Elements of Sudan’s former Al Bashir regime dismantled in El Gezira
The governor of El Gezira, Abdallah Idris, passed a series of resolutions against companies in the state on Friday, according to the recommendations of the Empowerment Elimination, Anti-Corruption, and Funds Recovery Committee.

The governor of El Gezira, Abdallah Idris, passed a series of resolutions against companies in the state on Friday, according to the recommendations of the Empowerment Elimination, Anti-Corruption, and Funds Recovery Committee.
Resolution No. 29 (2021) was issued to recover all shares of Bahri El Gezira Poultry Company, dissolve its board of directors, and transfer previous councils to Empowerment committee.
Resolution No. 35 (2021) cancels the contract for the North Island Dairy Project, run by Muawya El Bereir Dairy and Starch Company, to operate in the state. The company’s debt claims for the project will be transferred to El Gezira Ministry of Finance.
The wali also issued two temporary decrees to abolish the 2012 Board of Grievances and Accountability Law and the 2015 State Cleaning Authority Law.
According to these resolutions and decrees, all fixed and moveable assets of the actors concerned will be devolved to the state Ministry of Finance.
The announcement came after the Empowerment Elimination, Anti-Corruption, and Funds Recovery Committee said, on February 11, that it has gathered sufficient information about the activities of members of the former Sudanese regime under Omar Al Bashir to begin criminal procedures.
The Empowerment Elimination, Anti-Corruption, and Funds Recovery Committee was formed in November 2019 after the transitional government approved a law to dismantle the institutions set up by the regime of Omar Al Bashir and his National Congress Party (NCP).