Five women raped in South Darfur wadi

Five displaced women from Kalma camp in South Darfur were seized and raped by government-backed militiamen in South Darfur on Tuesday. Yagoub Mohamed Abdallah, coordinator of Kalma camp, told Radio Dabanga that the women, aged between 26 and 36 years, are all newly displaced who have fled the area southeast of state capital Nyala. Abdallah said that the incident occurred in the nearby Wadi Burley, where the women were tending farms. The armed militiamen arrived, dressed in military uniforms, and mounted on horses and camels. Abdallah said that the severely traumatised women are now all receiving treatment. “The incident occurred close to the Unamid centre, but the peacekeepers did not respond during the attack. When it was reported to the Mission, Unamid also did not react.” The coordinator warned the Sudanese government to cease the militia attacks on civilians. He said that the displaced will not hesitate to defend their women and children if necessary. File photo: A Darfur woman tends a farm (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

Five displaced women from Kalma camp in South Darfur were seized and raped by government-backed militiamen in South Darfur on Tuesday.

Yagoub Mohamed Abdallah, coordinator of Kalma camp, told Radio Dabanga that the women, aged between 26 and 36 years, are all newly displaced who have fled the area southeast of state capital Nyala.

Abdallah said that the incident occurred in the nearby Wadi Burley, where the women were tending farms. The armed militiamen arrived, dressed in military uniforms, and mounted on horses and camels. Abdallah said that the severely traumatised women are now all receiving treatment.

“The incident occurred close to the Unamid centre, but the peacekeepers did not respond during the attack. When it was reported to the Mission, Unamid also did not react.”

The coordinator warned the Sudanese government to cease the militia attacks on civilians. He said that the displaced will not hesitate to defend their women and children if necessary.

File photo: A Darfur woman tends a farm (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

