Five Darfuri students arrested from Omdurman dorm

The National Intelligence and Security Service raided a student dormitory in Um Badda district in Omdurman, and detained five students from Darfur on Friday. They are held at an unknown location.

The National Intelligence and Security Service raided a student dormitory in Um Badda district in Omdurman, and detained five students from Darfur on Friday. They are held at an unknown location.

Lawyer Gibil Hasabo, a member of the Darfur Bar Association, told Radio Dabanga today that members of the security service arrived at the dormitories with approximately ten vehicles in the afternoon. The dormitories house 34 mainly Darfuri university students.

Five of the students were detained and put in the vehicles, which drove off to an unknown destination, Hasabo said.

The students are Management students Mohamed Ibrahim from East Nile University, Ismail Mursal, and Mansour 'Amriki'. Mohamad Ismail of the Ahlia University studies accounting, and Mustafa Ismail from the Islamic University College studies Education.

The lawyer did not know the reason why the students have been detained.

