Five Darfur lawyers arrested by security forces Sudan

The head of the Darfur Bar Association , Mohammed Abdullah Al Duma, was arrested on Sunday by government security forces.

The head of the Darfur Bar Association , Mohammed Abdullah Al Duma, was arrested on Sunday by government security forces.

The head of the Darfur Bar Association , Mohammed Abdullah Al Duma, was arrested on Sunday by government security forces. Four other lawyers from Darfur were also arrested: Gibril Hamid Hassabu and two female lawyers Rehab Assadiq Sharif, Rashida Al Ansari. A fourth lawyer his name could not be verified yesterday (Sunday) evening.

The arrests occurred after a press conference was held briefing journalists and human rights acivitists on the case of Dr. Bushra Gamar who had been imprisoned by security forces for a year. He was released on bail over a week ago. Speakers at the press conference included Al Duma, Bushra Gamar and Farouk Abu Issa, chairman of the National Consensus Forces, the joint opposition.

Activists and human rights lawyers appealed to the Khartoum government for the release of the lawyers. They also appealed to human rights organizations to support their calls.

The relatives of Al Duma said that he is in need of regular medication otherwise his health might be serious at risk due to a chronic disease. Rehab Assadiq Sharif is a mother of a three months old baby and two other young children.

Mohammed Abdullah Al Duma started his carreer in the judiciary in 1973. After some years he resigned and became deputy governor and a member of parliament for the Umma Party in 1986. Originally he is from the Habila municipality. After the military coup in 1989, Al Duma was arrested at least ten times. Once he was detained for a year for his political opposition.



