Fighting breaks out between ‘Oppressed Soldiers’ and SAF in West Darfur

Fighting broke between the Sudanese Armed Forces and an Arab rebel movement on Tuesday morning in West Darfur. Radio Dabanga reports that the fighting took place in the area south-east of the Mornei locality, between the two mountains Ubun and Tubun and lasted for two hours.

Fighting broke between the Sudanese Armed Forces and an Arab rebel movement on Tuesday morning in West Darfur. Radio Dabanga reports that the fighting took place in the area south-east of the Mornei locality, between the two mountains Ubun and Tubun and lasted for two hours.

Fighting broke between the Sudanese Armed Forces and an Arab rebel movement on Tuesday morning in West Darfur. Radio Dabanga reports that the fighting took place in the area south-east of the Mornei locality, between the two mountains Ubun and Tubun and lasted for two hours.
The rebels who call their movement “the Oppressed Soldiers” were a part of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM). They left the LJM when Tijani Sese signed a peace deal with the Sudanese government in Doha.

The spokesman of the movement, Ibrahim Mohammed Fasim, also known as Abu Shar, stated that “Government soldiers were moving from Zalingei to El Geneina when the clashes broke out in the mountains. We destroyed ten (10) government cars and captured twenty five (25) soldiers. On our side six (6) soldiers were killed, four (4) were injured and two (2) captured. The number of deaths on our side is unknown”.

The movement appealed to the government authorities to give them “military numbers”, and constitutes a request to be included in the Sudanese military. The Sudanese government however rejected the proposition. The SAF-spokesperson could not be reached.

