Fears for health of detained Darfuri student, Sudanese activist still held incommunicado

On Thursday, the family of student leader Nasreldin Mukhtar who was detained in Omdurman in August expressed its grave concern for his condition. Relatives of political detainee Radwan Daoud staged a protest vigil in front of the Information Office of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in Khartoum II.
Daoud, a member of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) member, was held in El Jireif East in Khartoum on December 7 by security agents in civilian clothes, because he was one of the leading protesters against the sale of plots in the district to investors – including a number of brick factories that are considered historical.

On Thursday, the family of student leader Nasreldin Mukhtar who was detained in Omdurman in August expressed its grave concern for his condition. Relatives of political detainee Radwan Daoud staged a protest vigil in front of the Information Office of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in Khartoum II.

Daoud, a member of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) member, was held in El Jireif East in Khartoum on December 7 by security agents in civilian clothes, because he was one of the leading protesters against the sale of plots in the district to investors – including a number of brick factories that are considered historical.

Until now, Daoud’s family has not been informed about his whereabouts and the reasons for his detention.

“The family organised the vigil to demand Daoud’s release and the right to visit him,” Noureldin Salaheldin, Head of the SCP in Khartoum state told Radio Dabanga. “They have submitted three written requests to see him, without any response.”

During the vigil, NISS officers briefly detained two relatives of Daoud, he said.

Serious health concerns

The family of Darfuri student leader Nasreldin Mukhtar, whose detention by the NISS agents has entered its fifth month has expressed its grave concern for his health and psychological condition.

In a statement on Thursday, the family explained that he has been in detention without any legal justification since August 22.

They stated that during their last visit to Mukhtar, they found him having lost vision in his left eye. He also sustained severe injuries in his legs as a result of beatings.

They appealed to human rights defenders to intervene for his immediate release or to bring him to a fair trial.

Mukhtar was detained earlier by the NISS, in 2015. He remained in detention for several months during which he was reportedly subjected to torture and electric shocks. The authorities did not release him until his health deteriorated. He was not interrogated nor charged during his detention.

