Farmer abducted in Tawila, North Darfur

A group of gunmen abducted a 45-year-old farmer near Dubo El Omda in Tawila locality on Saturday.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that unidentified gunmen riding in a Land Cruiser raided the farm of Ayoub Hussein Hamid in Falluja, south of Dubo El Omda.
“They seized him at gunpoint in front of his family, and then headed east to an unknown destination,” he said.
On Thursday, the head of Unamid North Darfur sector, Sinina Lo, visited Tawila to assess the security situation in the area and possibilities of voluntary returnees to cultivate their land.
She said Unamid is ready to cooperate with the locality in support of voluntary repatriation efforts and the rehabilitation of police stations in order to enhance security.
Farmers in Tawila locality, popularly known as eastern Jebel Marra, are often attacked by militant herders who want to use their farms as pasture. Displaced returning to their area of origin complain about new settlers who occupy their villages.
In end July, a man was killed in a raid on a village near Dubo El Omda.

Farming in Sudan (Gabriela Vivacour/WFP)

A group of gunmen abducted a 45-year-old farmer near Dubo El Omda in Tawila locality on Saturday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that unidentified gunmen riding in a Land Cruiser raided the farm of Ayoub Hussein Hamid in Falluja, south of Dubo El Omda.

“They seized him at gunpoint in front of his family, and then headed east to an unknown destination,” he said.

On Thursday, the head of Unamid North Darfur sector, Sinina Lo, visited Tawila to assess the security situation in the area and possibilities of voluntary returnees to cultivate their land.

She said Unamid is ready to cooperate with the locality in support of voluntary repatriation efforts and the rehabilitation of police stations in order to enhance security.

Tensions over land and pastures have often caused clashes between farmers in the region of Jebel Marra and militant herders who want to use their farms as pasture. Displaced returning to their area of origin complain about new settlers who occupy their villages.

In end July, a man was killed in a raid on a village near Dubo El Omda.


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