Enforced arms collection at hand in South Darfur

South Darfur will start with the forced collection of weapons from civilians as of mid-October. In particular areas such as camps and prone to tribal conflicts can expect these inspections, said the state governor.

South Darfur will start with the forced collection of weapons from civilians as of mid-October. In particular areas such as camps and prone to tribal conflicts can expect these inspections, said the state governor.

Governor Adam El Faki announced the beginning of the compulsory collection of weapons, after the period of voluntary disarmament and collection, in a meeting with leaders of the state's native administration. Administration leaders and the state will continue to facilitate the campaign.

In addition, “all determined areas according to the technical plan will be inspected, especially areas of tribal conflicts and the camps”.

El Faki added that the weapon collection committees have made inventories of all the administration that have received weapons. According to the governor more than 2,000 weapons were voluntary collected from people in the state.

Weapons passages

Second Vice-President of Sudan Hasabo Mohamed Abdelrahman reported to the public that the authorities have closed more than 67 passages, believed by the Sudanese government to be points for entry of illegal weapons into the country.

“Disarming citizens is free of charge in order to prevent the opening of weapons trade routes,” Abdelrahman said after the signing of the charter of civil society organisations that support the weapons collection campaign in Khartoum.

He added that while the illegal or unregistered four-wheel drive vehicles will be collected and fall in the possession of the Sudan Armed Forces, their owners will be compensated.


In July, Khartoum announced that it would start a large disarmament campaign in the country, to begin with in Darfur and states in Kordofan.

According to Presidential Decree 419 of 2017, illegal weapons, ammunition, and vehicles are to be handed immediately to the Sudan Armed Forces, the state commissioner, or the nearest military or police unit.

The collection of illegal arms and cars will be voluntary in the beginning, and become compulsory at a later stage.

The campaign will be followed by a reform of “the supporting forces of the army”, by which the various government militias will be dissolved. The members are to join the Sudan main militia, the Rapid Support Forces.

