El Fasher, North Darfur: University staff call for dismissal of ‘corrupt’ Chancellor

The staff of El Fasher University have demanded the dismissal of the Chancellor, Osman Abdul Jabbar. They accuse him of corruption and nepotism. The University’s working staff submitted a file of Abdul Jabbar’s alleged violations to the Minister of Higher Education, Sumaya Abu Kashawa during an inspection visit to the campus. They include claims that he “promoted faculty staff without reference to the committee”. He also “promoted of a number of junior staff to higher degrees, while dismissing other employees without a sound administrative basis”. The file also alleges that Abdul Jabbar “allocated funds and relocated some employees without referring to the competent authorities”. File photo: Graduates at El Fasher University (Albert González Farran / Unamid)

The staff of El Fasher University have demanded the dismissal of the Chancellor, Osman Abdul Jabbar. They accuse him of corruption and nepotism.

The University’s working staff submitted a file of Abdul Jabbar’s alleged violations to the Minister of Higher Education, Sumaya Abu Kashawa during an inspection visit to the campus. They include claims that he “promoted faculty staff without reference to the committee”. He also “promoted of a number of junior staff to higher degrees, while dismissing other employees without a sound administrative basis”.

The file also alleges that Abdul Jabbar “allocated funds and relocated some employees without referring to the competent authorities”.

File photo: Graduates at El Fasher University (Albert González Farran / Unamid)

