East Darfur Zakat Chamber: SDG 4 million compensation for victims of violence

The Zakat Chamber of East Darfur has allocated more than SDG 4 million as compensation to the victims of the recent violence in Esheraya village in East Darfur when herders attacked returnees.

Darfuri nomads water their camels in a wadi (File photo: Pete Wiggins)

The Zakat Chamber of East Darfur has allocated more than SDG 4 million* as compensation to the victims of the recent violence in Esheraya village in East Darfur when a group of herders attacked returnees.

The compensation includes allocating mills and an air diffuser to those whose shops that were burned, as well as providing shelter, and sums of money for those whose homes were burned.

Governor of East Darfur, Maj Gen El Muzamil Abubakir during his visit to the crime sense, stressed that there will be no compromise in the security and safety of the residents of the state. He reassured that the state authority will take decisive measures to deter such acts in the future.

He expressed his gratitude to the security forces for arresting the attackers and handling the security situation in the area. He also expressed his appreciation for the intervention of the Zakat (Muslim alms) Chamber to compensate the victims.

On March 23, Radio Dabanga reported that herders attacked Esheraya village on Saturday evening. A woman was killed, her six-month-old baby was wounded, and the village was torched.

* USD 1 = SDG 55.1375 at the time of publishing this article. As effective foreign exchange rates can vary in Sudan, Radio Dabanga bases all SDG currency conversions on the daily middle US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS).

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