East Darfur traders protest new taxes

Traders in the market of Ed Daein started a strike in protest of the imposition of more fees by the East Darfur Taxation Office. The additional fees amount to at least SDG50,000 per shop.

Traders in the market of Ed Daein started a strike in protest of the imposition of more fees by the East Darfur Taxation Office. The additional fees amount to at least SDG50,000 per shop.

The wholesale and retail traders in the market of Ed Daein have shut down their shops. They told Radio Dabanga yesterday that the imposition of an additional tax in one category of consumer goods by 17 per cent “will have a negative impact on the prices, also harming residents of East Darfur”.

Khidir Saad, one of the traders: “I was surprised when I was asked to pay SDG50,000 ($7,460) in fines as a tax bill, while I already pay full taxes every year.”

Trader Mutasim Ahmed said that the new imposed taxes will be reflected on the prices of goods. “The price of a sack of sugar is expected to amount from 700 to 800 ($104 to $120) Sudanese pounds, as well as onions and oil.

“It is difficult for some traders to pay the taxes because their balance does not reach half the value of the tax, estimated at a minimum of SDG 50,000.”

The traders found that the role of the Chamber of Commerce is minimal as it “is completely absent”.

Bread shortage

The capital Khartoum and a number of Sudanese cities, including El Gedaref, have witnessed a severe bread shortage during the past two days.

Merchants have attributed the shortage to the scarcity of flour used in the production of bread. Companies have reduced the daily rations to the bakeries.

Also residents in Dongola, Northern State, have difficulties in buying bread. A resident told Radio Dabanga that the bread shortage in the city and its suburbs has entered into its second month, and bakery owers complained of the lack of flour.

