Doctors withdraw from Sudan’s military, police hospitals

The Sudanese Central Doctors’ Committee announced the withdrawal of all doctors from the military and police hospitals in the country, and from the El Amal hospitals that are owned by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), in protest against the killing of peaceful demonstrators.

Doctors working in the Omdurman Teaching Hospital and Mohamed El Amin Children’s Hospital on an open-ended strike starting January 9 (RD)

The Sudanese Central Doctors’ Committee announced the withdrawal of all doctors from the military and police hospitals in the country, and from the El Amal hospitals that are owned by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), in protest against the killing of peaceful demonstrators.

The doctors will also refrain from providing any medical services in all the hospitals established by prominent members of the ruling National Congress Party “whose revenues are used to support and enable this regime, namely Alzaytouna, El Sahiroun, Yastashfoun, Dream, Sahar and Alia hospitals in various parts of Khartoum.

The committee called on all medical consultants and specialists to boycott these hospitals.

Teachers and orthopaedic surgeons’ assistants in Khartoum have announced the start of a strike to protest the continued killing and arrest of peaceful demonstrators.

The Teachers' Committee announced a strike on Sunday, January 27, in defiance of the conscience, in support of the people's choices and a contribution to the funeral of the regime.

In a statement, the committee called on parents to prevent their children from going to school for fear for their lives in these harsh conditions.

The deputies of orthopaedic specialists announced the start of a comprehensive strike in the regular forces’ hospitals as of Friday, as well as the continuation of the strike on cold cases in all other public and private hospitals, until the authorities clarify position on the current events and their role in protecting the homeland and citizens.

