Displacement follows attacks by RSF in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

The majority of the population in areas of Darfur’s East Jebel Marra leave their houses in fear of more attacks by Sudanese paramilitary forces.

The majority of the population in the areas of Tabit, Shangil Tobaya, and Tawila in East Jebel Marra have left their houses in fear of more attacks by Sudanese paramilitary forces.

Witnesses, who have fled themselves, confirmed the displacement to Radio Dabanga. They said that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) carry out a ‘scorched land policy’ since they are stationed in East Jebel Marra in the beginning of May. They impoverish, and force displacement during their attacks, the witnesses said.

Seven villages in the southern part of Tawila locality, North Darfur – which is popularly known as East Jebel Marra – were pillaged on Sunday and Monday. A commander of the RSF reportedly told residents in Tawila locality that it is a military area now, and anyone present there will become a legitimate target for the troops.

The witnesses explained that the RSF beat and tortured the citizens, robbed their property, possessions and livestock, and damaged or occupied water sources, which led to the displacement of “90 percent” of the population. The militias have taken up positions in the region starting from Abu Hamra, Afara, and Kandro, passing through Dobo El Omda, El Madrasa, and Karfola, until Dali and Tokomari.

The residents of Abu Hamra, Shangil Tobaya, Tabit, and the surrounding villages complained that they cannot go out for farming, collecting firewood or fetch water, in fear of being beaten by the RSF in the area. They told Radio Dabanga about the disrupted trade, especially the movement of trade between villages and settlements, and that this may endanger their lives.

