Disappointment amongst Darfuri IDPS

A group of Darfuri refugees expressed their disappointment with the courts trying crimes committed daily by the central reserve forces (Abu Tira) in Darfur.They stated that the actual people responsible have never been brought to trial. The newly formed government was also criticized for failing to offer solutions. The activist, speaking to Radio Dabanga stated that the people committing crimes in Darfur were Abu Tira and government backed militias guarding the borders. Both were accused of carrying out looting, robbery, theft and terrorism on the Internally Displaced People (IDP) Camps with no evidence of arrests or lawsuits being brought against them.The government instead was arresting civilians, accused of belonging to rebel factions, allowing the real perpetrators to get off free. The IDP camps had been hopeful that the newly-formed government would represent all sides including armed-groups, and work seriously to form an interim national government. The source claimed that this was yet to happen.

A group of Darfuri refugees expressed their disappointment with the courts trying crimes committed daily by the central reserve forces (Abu Tira) in Darfur.They stated that the actual people responsible have never been brought to trial.

The newly formed government was also criticized for failing to offer solutions.

The activist, speaking to Radio Dabanga stated that the people committing crimes in Darfur were Abu Tira and government backed militias guarding the borders. Both were accused of carrying out looting, robbery, theft and terrorism on the Internally Displaced People (IDP) Camps with no evidence of arrests or lawsuits being brought against them.

The government instead was arresting civilians, accused of belonging to rebel factions, allowing the real perpetrators to get off free.

The IDP camps had been hopeful that the newly-formed government would represent all sides including armed-groups, and work seriously to form an interim national government. The source claimed that this was yet to happen.


