Detained opposition leader’s health ‘deteriorating’

The health situation of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) chairman Omar Yousef El Digeir has deteriorated in detention, which has last more than seven weeks.

A public rally of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP)

The health situation of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) chairman Omar El Degeir has deteriorated in detention, which has last more than seven weeks.

El Degeir was detained in El Obeid, North Kordofan, on January 7, by the Sudanese security apparatus. His party has released a statement reporting that his health has deteriorated because the chairman lacks access to the medical care by his physician.

‘El Degeir is suffering from acute inflammation and ear problems, an injury he suffered in December 2016 at the time of his detention in the prison of Port Sudan, that required surgery to treat it.’ The statement explained that the detention in Port Sudan at the time continued for fifty days. ‘This period exceeds the time of detention allowed under the Sudanese Security Act.’

The SCP expressed deep concern over the health of its president and called for his immediate and unconditional release. The SCP statement also demanded the release of “members of his party and all detainees among the leaders of political forces, activists, members of other parties and citizens”.

El Degeir was held without charge, a few hours after former SCP leader Ibrahim El Sheikh and head of the party’s Human Rights Secretariat Jalal Mustafa were detained in Khartoum.

Protester killed

During a protest against the nationwide price increases on consumer goods on January 7, a student was killed in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina at the hands of government forces which opened fire on a crowd of people. Moments before demonstrators in El Geneina set fire to the local headquarters of the ruling National Congress Party in El Geneina.

The Sudanese security service (NISS) arrested a number of politicians who joined the protests in Khartoum, Sennar and Blue Nile state towns in January. State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior Affairs Babikir Digna told the press in Khartoum at the time that his ministry “will not hesitate to crack down on any subversive demonstration against price hikes.”

