Demonstrator shot dead as mass marches persist across Sudan
Mass demonstrations erupted in Khartoum and about 20 cities and towns across Sudan yesterday, in response to the call of the resistance committees for the January 30 March of Millions, rejecting the coup and demanding full civilian rule. One protester was killed in Khartoum. The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced that Mohamed Yousef Ismail (27) died after being wounded in the chest.

Mass demonstrations erupted in Khartoum and about 20 cities and towns across Sudan yesterday, in response to the call of the resistance committees for the January 30 March of Millions, rejecting the coup and demanding full civilian rule. One protester was killed in Khartoum. The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced that Mohamed Yousef Ismail (27) died after being wounded in the chest.
The Khartoum demonstrations moved from a number of gathering points to the Republican Palace before joint government forces intercepted them by firing tear gas and rubber bullets. El Arbaeen Street in Omdurman witnessed similar processions.
In Khartoum North (Bahri), demonstrators reacted to the calls of the Bahri neighbourhood committees and participated in the Marches for Support of the Detainees. The authorities intercepted the path of the procession east of the Nile. The Resistance Committees closed the entrances to the neighbourhood using barricades.
The authorities pre-empted the marches by closing the Mak Nimr Bridge between central Khartoum and Khartoum North, in addition to a heavy military and security deployment on the White Nile Bridge between Omdurman and Khartoum, and most of the main roads.
The Security Affairs Coordination Committee for the Marches of Millions in Khartoum state pre-empted the demonstrations announced by officially banning gatherings and demonstrations in the central Khartoum region, starting from Saturday, January 29.
Joint government forces fired live ammunition and rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades at the demonstrators, wounding dozens of people. The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced that Mohamed Yousef Ismail (27) was killed, after being wounded in the chest.
Demonstrators reported that the processions were subjected to excessive violence, and live video clips shared on social media showed the heavy firing of bullets and tear gas. Dozens of protesters were detained.
Tear gas
The resistance committees in El Gedaref reported that five demonstrators have breathing problems due to tear gas. Three demonstrators were held. In Kassala, five protesters were detained. Dozens of them suffer from breathing problems.
In Wad Madani, capital of El Gezira, tens of thousands of people participated in the Janaury 30 March of Millions, demanding full civilian rule.
The Madani Resistance Committees called the processions “Loyalty to the Martyrs”. The protest marches headed to the En Nahda Square, demanding retribution for the martyrs of Wad Madani and the rest of Sudan’s martyrs.
The resistance committees organised a public seminar at the En Nahda Square, in which the charter put forward by them last week was discussed.
Protest marches against the military junta also took place in El Hasaheisa in El Gezira, in El Gedaref, Port Sudan, Kassala and New Halfa in eastern Sudan, in Nyala and Zalingei in Darfur, in Kadugli, Delling, El Obeid, and Um Rawaba in Kordofan, and in Sennar, Ed Damazin, Kosti, Ed Duweim, and Rabak.
The UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) mission said in a post on Twitter that restricting the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression would exacerbate tension. The US embassy in Khartoum has called on its citizens to avoid the demonstration sites.
Northern Sudan
In northern Sudan, members of resistance committees continue to block the Sheryan El Shimal road to the Egyptian border, in protest against the coup, the increase in electricity tariffs, and to demand the rights of the Northern State, after they had opened it for 24 hours in response to humanitarian demands.
Demonstrations also took place in Dongola, El Sukut, El Mahas, and Halfa.
The resistance committees in El Damer and Atbara closed the Port Sudan Atbara-Khartoum road to lorries.