Deep concern over ‘unjustified’ actions of Sudan Humanitarian Aid Commission

Cartoon by Omar Dafallah (RD)
Sudan’s National Commission for Human Rights expressed deep concern over the measures that the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) has been taking “in several instances” in a press statement on Sunday.
HAC actions impede the freedom of civil society work, according to the HR Commission, which expressed its regret that the HAC has not responded to its reports and recommendations.
It called on “the authorities to intervene and take urgent measures to guarantee the freedom of registration and re-registration of organisations and the freedom of their activities in line with Sudan’s obligations in the field of human rights.”
The Commission called the suspension of some organisations and networks “unjustified” and promised to follow up on the issue.
The Commission also stressed the need to respect the freedom of registration and work of non-governmental organisations in accordance with Sudan’s Constitutional Document of 2019, amended in 2020. International and regional treaties were also noted, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which was ratified by Sudan in 1986.
The statement added that the 2017 Voluntary Work Act needs to be amended as it now “contradicts the Constitutional Document and the state’s obligations in the field of human rights.”
Since last October’s military coup, Sudanese state ministers and officials have resorted to practices used by the former regime of dictator Omar Al Bashir, such as piling on bureaucratic procedures to extract profit and attempting to interfere in NGO procurements, according to aid workers, experts, and UN agencies.
In July, Radio Dabanga reported on violent suppression of freedoms that characterised the 30-year regime of Omar Al Bashir are increasing again in all levels of society, along with friendly ties between the military and Al Bashir’s ousted National Congress Party (NCP).
Under Al Bashir, the HAC was staffed by security officers who frequently denied access to INGOs or entry visas to international staff, and treated foreign aid workers as western spies.