Declaration of Freedom and Change present 10 points to military council

On Saturday at a meeting with the Transitional Military Council, the delegates of the forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change presented 10 points representing their perception of urgent steps to enhance trust between the parties.

Omar El Degeir head of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, addresses the sit-in after the meeting with the Interim Military Council on Saturday (see video below)

On Saturday at a meeting with the Transitional Military Council, the delegates of the forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change presented 10 points representing their perception of urgent steps to enhance trust between the parties.

The list of the 10 demands included immediate hand- over of power to a transitional civilian government to be agreed upon by the forces of freedom and change to run the country for four years under the protection of the armed forces, the dissolution of the National Congress and the devolution of its property to the state, the dissolution of the security apparatus, the Popular Defence Forces and the militias of the National Congress Party.

The demands also included the need to clarify the names of the detained symbols of the Al Bashir regime and their places of detention and ending the control of the National Congress Party over the security apparatus.

Building peace

They stressed in their demands that the issues of ending the war and building peace is a top priority in the transition and it is necessary for the armed forces of the struggle to participate in full, this as well as calling for the release of all prisoners, detainees and political convicts, including all officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who defended the freedom of expression and revolutionaries and handling the issues of marginalisation through comprehensive legal reform.

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change promised to hand over the leaders of the armed forces the detailed vision of the transition arrangements.

The army leadership promised to carry out the tasks related to the disposition of the property of the national Congress, the release of detainees, the repeal of all restrictive laws and the restructuring of the security apparatus.

Video: Omar El Degeir, head of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, addresses the sit-in in Khartoum after the meeting with the Interim Military Council on Saturday

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change said in a statement: “We affirm that it was the mass movement that produced the changes and that we will hand over our vision to leadership of the armed forces to be implemented, and our courageous unity and sit-ins are the guarantors to carry out the will of the people.”

