Darfur rebels eliminate 65 army vehicles, capture 50 soldiers: spokesman

Darfur rebels announced major successes in battles that began last Friday. They claim to have captured or destroyed 65 military vehicles including four tanks. The Sudan army so far refuses comment on the recent fighting.

Darfur rebels announced major successes in battles that began last Friday. They claim to have captured or destroyed 65 military vehicles including four tanks. The Sudan army so far refuses comment on the recent fighting. Fierce fighting continued till yesterday between the army and the resistance forces, which comprise the factions not involved at the Doha peace talks, namely the Justice and Equality Movement, SLA-Abdel Wahid, SLA-Minawi, and Ali Karbino’s force.

The resistance forces announced that they managed during the battles of yesterday to destroy 27 vehicles and 4 tanks. Rebels also reported that warplanes continue to fly over different parts of Darfur.

JEM Secretary for Organization, Abu Bakr Hamid, said that they seized 30 four-wheel drive vehicles and 4 vehicles of supplies and ammunition in addition capturing 50 of the government soldiers.

Radio Dabanga could not get a comment from the military spokesman on the outcome of the battles, despite repeated attempts to do so over the past two days.

Abu Bakr Hamid revealed that they are preparing to confront the Malha Force, which comprises 80 vehicles and 8 tanks and is attempting to break the siege on the forces that were defeated in area of Wadi Magreb.

Darfur rebels used captured army communications equipment to send a demand of surrender to the Malha convoy.

