Darfur JEM attack tanker trucks killing 20 police

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) clashed with government forces in South Darfur yesterday. About twenty policemen died in an attack by the rebels. The police were protecting about five trucks carrying petrol. JEM captured the trucks. A source in Nyala said that the hospital received 12 policemen but there could be more wounded. Up until now the government of South Darfur has not commented, though yesterday a police spokesman admitted that there were many dead and wounded without mentioning a figure. The attack occurred between Seleah and Yasin. 

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) clashed with government forces in South Darfur yesterday. About twenty policemen died in an attack by the rebels. The police were protecting about five trucks carrying petrol. JEM captured the trucks. A source in Nyala said that the hospital received 12 policemen but there could be more wounded. Up until now the government of South Darfur has not commented, though yesterday a police spokesman admitted that there were many dead and wounded without mentioning a figure. The attack occurred between Seleah and Yasin. 

