Darfur farmers demand solution for harvest tension

Farmers in Darfur states have renewed their complaints about attacks by armed herdsmen, who enter their livestock and camels onto their farms by force of arms. “They are grazing before the end of the harvests. The farms are destroyed.”

Farmers in Darfur states have renewed their complaints about attacks by armed herdsmen, who enter their livestock and camels onto their farms by force of arms. “They are grazing before the end of the harvests. The farms are destroyed.”

A number of farmers in localities in North, South, West and Central Darfur claim that their lands have been damaged during such incidents. Farmers in Kutum locality told Radio Dabanga that friction with herders occurred on farms in Fata Borno, Um Lyona, Kajilgamra, and Shahaba.

The farmers demanded the authorities to implement rules governing the relationship between pastoralists and farmers.

In Mershing, South Darfur, in Sirba and Murnei in West Darfur, and in Jawri and Wadi Saleh in Central Darfur, farmers raised concerns about the destruction of crops by cattle. They add that farmers have been beaten and threatened with death.

“Armed herdsmen commit all these violations and abuses in the presence of local committees, that are to protect the agricultural season,” a farmer said.

Disputes between herders and farmers occur more often this time of year, as herders let their cattle graze on farmlands that have not yet been harvested.

Last month it was announced that in South Darfur, the state's Agriculture Minister plans to hold a forum that brings together both sides in the northern areas of South Darfur, in an attempt to reach a solution to the tension.

