Darfur displaced repeat appeal for help

Two new-born babies have reportedly died of measles on Monday as a result of lack of health services in Abu Karinka locality, East Darfur. A relative of the deceased children, named Salim Ahmed Salim, told Radio Dabanga that measles, fever, bronchitis, as well as tumours, are prevalent among children of those who fled from the recent violence in East Darfur.He added that the Abu Karinka camp for the displaced lacks even first aid items, noting that the authorities did not provide them with any kind of health service since their arrival to the region. Salim stressed that their situation is more than “tragic and disastrous”. In camp Khamsa Dagayig near Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, three displaced females, among them a school girl, are suffering from various injuries after having been assaulted by militias. The coordinator of Zalingei camp for the displaced informed Radio Dabanga that on Monday three militiamen attacked a group of displaced women who were working on their makeshift plantations at Kadalangei area, south of the camp.After beating the women with rifle butts and flogging them, they chased them away. Three of the women have been heavily injured: Aisha Mohamed Abdallah (33 years), Aisha Zakaria Haroun (27), and a school girl called Maimouna.The camp coordinator added that a complaint was filed with the local police, who allegedly will not prosecute the perpetrators. He appealed to Unamid and the United Nations for protection of the displaced in Darfur from militia attacks. File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid Related: ‘Four children die each day in South Darfur capital’: medical director (28 August 2013)

Two new-born babies have reportedly died of measles on Monday as a result of lack of health services in Abu Karinka locality, East Darfur.

A relative of the deceased children, named Salim Ahmed Salim, told Radio Dabanga that measles, fever, bronchitis, as well as tumours, are prevalent among children of those who fled from the recent violence in East Darfur.

He added that the Abu Karinka camp for the displaced lacks even first aid items, noting that the authorities did not provide them with any kind of health service since their arrival to the region. Salim stressed that their situation is more than “tragic and disastrous”.

In camp Khamsa Dagayig near Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, three displaced females, among them a school girl, are suffering from various injuries after having been assaulted by militias.

The coordinator of Zalingei camp for the displaced informed Radio Dabanga that on Monday three militiamen attacked a group of displaced women who were working on their makeshift plantations at Kadalangei area, south of the camp.

After beating the women with rifle butts and flogging them, they chased them away. Three of the women have been heavily injured: Aisha Mohamed Abdallah (33 years), Aisha Zakaria Haroun (27), and a school girl called Maimouna.

The camp coordinator added that a complaint was filed with the local police, who allegedly will not prosecute the perpetrators. He appealed to Unamid and the United Nations for protection of the displaced in Darfur from militia attacks.

File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid

Related: ‘Four children die each day in South Darfur capital’: medical director (28 August 2013)


