Darfur crime overview: Militiamen steal from wedding, herders

Militiamen robbed livestock owners of 207 cows in various incidents in Kutum, North Darfur, during the last week. In South Darfur, gunmen attacked a wedding celebration to steal the collected money.

An overview of crimes committed in Darfur during the past week and reported to Radio Dabanga

North Darfur

Militiamen robbed livestock owners of 207 cows in various incidents in Kutum, North Darfur, during the last week. A number of livestock traders were ambushed as they were on their way from Anka to the Kutum livestock market, a market vendor told Radio Dabanga.

She said that groups of militiamen “stole at least 207 cows, and took them with them in the direction of Damret Mesiri”. On 12 December, militiamen assaulted people in a village near Kutum and stole reportedly 1,485 camels, cows, and sheep.

She added that the militia members also threatened to kill three residents of Anka. A patrol of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (Unamid) was ambushed by armed men near Anka on 7 January.

South Darfur

A group of militiamen attacked a wedding celebration in the Babanusa district in Gireida, South Darfur, on Wednesday evening 6 January.

“They shot at the people present in an attempt to steal the amount of money collected by relatives of the groom,” a wedding guest reported to Radio Dabanga. “Mohamed Ahmed was hit. He was transferred, with a broken thigh, to the Nyala Teaching Hospital.”

He added that the attack was reported to the police in Gireida, “but they did not act”.

Central Darfur

A farmer was shot by militiamen in Deleig, Central Darfur, in the morning of 3 January. One of his colleagues reported to Radio Dabanga that three members of a government militia wearing military uniforms and riding camels fired at Haroun Ismail Ahmed as he tended his farm.

He said that Ahmed was transferred to the Deleig Hospital for treatment.

The source added that that a group of women, returning from their farms to Deleig on 2 January, were also severely beaten by militiamen.

Militiamen and soldiers clashed last Sunday, resulting in the killing of one militia member. Afterwards the men pillaged several shops in Deleig, scaring a number of people to flee their homes.  

