Compensation deal signed between Rizeigat and Misseriya in Darfur

Two larger tribes in Darfur, Rizeigat and Misseriya have reached an agreement about compensation for killings, stolen properties and looting live stock. The reconciliation conference between Rizeigat and Misseriya was concluded yesterday (Tuesday) in Jebel Alweya.

Two larger tribes in Darfur, Rizeigat and Misseriya have reached an agreement about compensation for killings, stolen properties and looting live stock. The reconciliation conference between Rizeigat and Misseriya was concluded yesterday (Tuesday) in Jebel Alweya. The groups agreed upon a repayment schedule for blood money (Dhya) between the tribes. It will be paid in  four (4) instalments starting from February 2010 and ending before November 2010 .The conference decided to start a charity for developing peaceful coexistence between the two tribes and to avoid provocation and feelings of hatred. A high committee was formed to follow up on the recommendations. The committee was headed by Ali Yahya, Chairman of the Council of states. He was assisted by other members from the two states and representatives from Ministry of Defence, Finance, Interior and representatives from the two tribes.

