Bombing, shelling in Darfur’s Jebel Marra continues

Many people were killed and wounded in aerial bombardments and ground attacks on the area east of Nierteti in Central Darfur over the weekend. Two girls were killed In an air raid on Golo in Jebel Marra.

Many people were killed and wounded in aerial bombardments and ground attacks on the area east of Nierteti in Central Darfur over the weekend. Kutrum village burned to the ground. Two girls were killed In an air raid on Golo in Jebel Marra.

“The aerial bombardments led to the destruction of Ali Dinar Basic Schools A and B, the health centre, and about 10 Koran schools in the area” a fleeing villager informed Radio Dabanga.”

The villager, Adam Mohamed Adam (42), said that the “continuous bombardments by the Sudanese Air Force fully destroyed Kutrum village, about four kilometres east of Nierteti.

“Many people were killed and injured. I lost my wife and five sons during the bombing.”

He added that it took the fleeing villagers two days to reach Nierteti “because of the air raids and the proliferation of army and militia troops”.


Two young sisters were fatally hit by a bomb in an air raid in the area of Golo on Saturday.

“When Mufida (12) and Magboula Mohamed Younes (8) fled their home in Thur village to hide somewhere in the mountain, they were fatally hit,” a relative of the girls told Radio Dabanga.

El Aradeib El Ashara

On Sunday morning, an Antonov of the Sudanese Air Force bombed the area of El Aradeib El Ashara in North Darfur’s Tawila locality – popularly known as East Jebel Marra.

No casualties were reported. A villager from the area informed Radio Dabanga that the seven barrel bombs only ignited some tracts of farmland in the neighbourhood.

