Barrel bombs kill livestock in Fanga, Darfur

Aerial bombardments on the area of Fanga village in East Jebel Marra on Monday caused the death of a number of livestock and ignited fires at some farms.
“A fighter jet of the Sudanese Air Force circled the sky above Fanga for about one hour on Monday morning before it dropped four barrel bombs on the area three kilometres north of the village,” a villager reported to Radio Dabanga.
“Seven sheep and two donkeys were fatally hit. The bombing ignited a few fires on nearby farms,” he said.

Aerial bombardments on the area of Fanga village in East Jebel Marra on Monday caused the death of a number of livestock and ignited fires at some farms.

“A fighter jet of the Sudanese Air Force circled the sky above Fanga for about one hour on Monday morning before it dropped four barrel bombs on the area three kilometres north of the village,” a villager reported to Radio Dabanga.

“Seven sheep and two donkeys were fatally hit. The bombing ignited a few fires on nearby farms,” he said.

Last Wednesday, rebel fighters shelled the garrison of Deribat in East Jebel Marra. Seven soldiers and two civilians were killed. 


