Banks to hand over millions in Sudanese assets for bombing of US navy ship

Several banks must turn over Sudanese assets to satisfy a $315 million judgement for victims of the US Navy destroyer USS Cole after a deadly bombing in Yemen in 2000. The victims sued Sudan. A US court confirmed an earlier judgement contested by the Sudanese government.
The USS Cole was docked in a Yemen port. The bomb killed 17 sailors and injured 42 when it detonated. Several sailors and three of their spouses sued Sudan in federal court in 2010 alleging the country supplied materials to Al Qaida, believed to be responsible for the attack.

Several banks must turn over Sudanese assets to satisfy a $315 million judgement for victims of the US Navy destroyer USS Cole after a deadly bombing in Yemen in 2000. The victims sued Sudan. A US court confirmed an earlier judgement contested by the Sudanese government.

The USS Cole was docked in a Yemen port. The bomb killed 17 sailors and injured 42 when it detonated. Several sailors and three of their spouses sued Sudan in federal court in 2010 alleging the country supplied materials to Al Qaida, believed to be responsible for the attack.

In 2010, Sudan failed to answer the original complaint or file a responsive plea despite having been served with the lawsuit through its embassy in Washington DC. Sudan said the plaintiffs were required to send a copy of their suit to Khartoum. However, the court said a copy of the documents sent to the Sudanese was sufficient.

The assets of Sudan are held by various banks, including Mashreq Bank, BNP Paribas, and Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank.

(Source: Law360)

