Baby shot dead in North Darfur, man ‘tortured to death’ in West Darfur
Two civilians, one an infant, were shot dead by gunmen on Wednesday. Ali Daqash (35) and Musa Baraka (1) from the Jertouba region died in the incident near Jebal Amer. Muhammad Ali Hamdan, from Ardamta, died after allegedly being severely tortured in the prison of the 15th Intelligence Brigade in El Geneina in West Darfur on Saturday.

Two civilians, one an infant, were shot dead by gunmen on Wednesday. Ali Daqash (35) and Musa Baraka (1) from the Jertouba region died in the incident near Jebal Amer. Muhammad Ali Hamdan, from Ardamta, died after allegedly being severely tortured in the prison of the 15th Intelligence Brigade in El Geneina in West Darfur on Saturday.
The public in the region appealed to the government at the local and state levels to assume its responsibilities towards protecting citizens, extending the prestige of the state and the rule of law, bringing the perpetrators to trial, and disarming members of the public.
Muhammad Ali Hamdan, from Ardamta, died after allegedly being severely tortured in the prison of the 15th Intelligence Brigade in El Geneina in West Darfur on Saturday.
The brutality of the alleged torture that Muhammad was subjected to in the prison of the provoked wide reactions in Ardamta and the whole of West Darfur.
The Ardamta Resistance Committees described the assassination of Muhammad as “a brutal way that exposed the true face of the professional, moral, and ethical collapse of the military institution, and a black page added to the book of these forces in the abuse of the people of this country”.
The committees clarified in a statement that this act is not an accident or an exceptional case, as the method of torture, burning, and rape is a method and one of the tools these forces excelled in using against citizens, whoever they are, secret detention centres and notorious ghost houses, with stories and cases of torture that claimed the lives of thousands of Sudanese citizens.
The statement stressed that “such dark and barbaric practices assure us, beyond any doubt, of the necessity of overthrowing this brutal coup, structuring and developing the military institution and renewing its combative ideology”.