Attacks continue in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

On Friday a boy was wounded in an aerial bombardment on a village near Golo in Jebel Marra. Militiamen kidnapped two residents of another village in the vicinity of Golo. Ten people were injured in air raids southeast of Tur. Four women were gang-raped in the area on Thursday. About 45 families that fled the area of Rokoro arrived at the Tawila camps.

On Friday a boy was wounded in an aerial bombardment on a village near Golo in Jebel Marra. Militiamen kidnapped two residents of another village in the vicinity of Golo. Ten people were injured in air raids southeast of Tur. Four women were gang-raped in the area on Thursday. About 45 families that fled the area of Rokoro arrived at the Tawila camps. 

“An Antonov of the Sudan Air Force dropped nine barrel bombs on Teby village, 11 kilometres east of Golo,” a resident of Teby reported.

“Jamal Badreldin Ismail (6) was wounded in his hands,” he said. “We thank God that no other people were injured. The entire village burned to the ground. A number of camels, cows, and donkeys were killed.”

The residents of Teby are hiding in valleys and caves nearby. “We are currently hearing the sounds of bombing and shelling in the southern direction, towards Golo, but we do not know which places have been ignited by the explosions. The entire Jebel Marra is now covered in smoke,” he told Radio Dabanga this (Sunday) afternoon.


Basic school student Haisam Abdelghani (14) of Konj village, half a kilometre east of Golo, was abducted by militiamen on Friday.

“People coming from Zalingei saw the boy in one of the vehicles used by a government militia,” a resident of Konj reported to Radio Dabanga.

He said that Adam Haroun (50), from the same village, was abducted too. “Those militiamen accused him of supporting the rebels.”

More bombing

In air raids on the area southeast of Tur on Wednesday and Thursday, ten people were seriously injured.

“The village of Um Beleina and two Koran schools were hit,” a village elder told Radio Dabanga.


On Thursday, about 13 members of a government militia, some of them riding a Land Cruiser and others on camels intercepted five women and girls who were on their way from Baladonek village to Tur.

“At about four kilometres from Tur, the men seized four of them, aged 11, 15, 29, and 45, and raped them alternately,” the village elder reported. “They did not touch the fifth woman, who is more than 60-years-old.”

Robbed on the way

On Saturday and Sunday, 45 families who fled attacks on villages in the area of Rokoro in the northern part of Jebel Marra arrived at the Tawila camps for the displaced.

An activist reported that the Sudanese Red Crescent and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided them with food aid and with tents donated by the Darfur Regional Authority.

He said that the new arrivals told him that the many militiamen deployed along the Rokoro-Tawila road attacked the fleeing villagers and robbed them of their livestock. “A number of these villagers fled the other way, towards Kabkabiya.”



