Arrested SPLM-N leaders deported to South Sudan

The Transitional Military Council has deported three leaders of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North under the leadership of Malik Agar to the South Sudanese capital Juba against their will.

SPLM-N deputy chair Yasir Arman at informal peace talks in Berlin three years ago (file photo)

The Transitional Military Council (TMC) has deported three leaders of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North under the leadership of Malik Agar (SPLM-N Agar) to the South Sudanese capital Juba against their will.

They had come to Khartoum last month “to discuss all issues with the TMC and the movement’s allies within Sudan” and were arrested last week.

Deputy chairman Yasir Arman, secretary-general Ismail Khamis Jalab and spokesperson Mubarak Ardol were released on Monday and then denied access to their accommodation in Khartoum. Instead, they were flown to Juba in a military airplane.

Malik Agar condemned the deportation in a statement on Monday. He said it clearly illustrated that the military junta does not intend to hand over power to civilians and does not want to achieve peace. He also thanked the president and government of South Sudan for the hospitality.

