Armed robberies, raid in Central and South Darfur

Bindisi locality in Central Darfur witnessed a series of armed robberies on Monday last week. A group of militiamen raided a market and a number of people near Nyala, South Darfur, on the same day.

Three militiamen riding on motorcycles robbed Abdelmutalib Mohamed Abdallah of SDG5,500 ($730), and his companion Abakar Ahmed of his goods loaded on his donkey on Monday 17 August, an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga. He explained that they were on their way to Bindisi, after having visited the market of Amar Jadid, some seven kilometres south of the town.

Bindisi locality in Central Darfur witnessed a series of armed robberies on Monday last week. A group of militiamen raided a market and a number of people near Nyala, South Darfur, on the same day.

Three militiamen riding on motorcycles robbed Abdelmutalib Mohamed Abdallah of SDG5,500 ($730), and his companion Abakar Ahmed of his goods loaded on his donkey on Monday 17 August, an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga. He explained that they were on their way to Bindisi, after having visited the market of Amar Jadid, some seven kilometres south of the town.

He added that on Monday evening, three people in Bindisi town were robbed of their mobile phones when they were on their way home. In another incident, gunmen broke into the corral belonging to a man called Adam and stole 15 sheep.

The source said that the population of Bindisi lived in fear. “Most of the people even do not dare to leave their houses to perform their evening prayers at a nearby mosque,” he said the day after the robberies.

Tabaldiyat market

In South Darfur, a group of militiamen raided the market of Tabaldiyat, south of Nyala, also on Monday.

Sheikh Mahjoub Adam Tabaldiya told Radio Dabanga from El Salam camp that the gunmen fired in the air before they robbed a number of people of their mobile telephones. “Most of them were displaced people living in El Salam camp, who were passing the market on their way to their lands.”

When a policeman at the market intervened, they beat him with their whips. Tabeldiya added that the robbers also took two donkeys with them.

The camp leader said that the gunmen then moved to the area of Jabarona, not far from Tabaldiyat, and assaulted and robbed the people there too.

