Armed herders damage hundreds of East Jebel Marra farms

Affected farmers reported to Radio Dabanga that armed herders and their livestock damaged hundreds of farmlands in East Jebel Marra in the past week.

Armed herders have damaged hundreds of farmlands in East Jebel Marra in the past week, affected farmers reported to Radio Dabanga.

Farmers in the areas of Dalma, Dawa, Numera, Dali, Masalit and Kotto said that herders, “armed by the government”, entered their livestock by force on their farms. Their grazing resulted in the destruction of the farmlands.

They added that they have informed the native administration about the herders' actions. “But they did not listen to the native administration and have continued to let their livestock graze on our lands.”

Farmers in Kutum locality demanded protection against herders and their livestock this month, after they destroyed large quantities of crops.

For Sudanese farmers, the harvest starts in October or November, after Sudan’s rainy season during the summer months. In November last year, many farmers in Darfur reported and complained about herders who let their livestock graze too early on the lands.

