Arab info network condemns increase in press violations in Sudan

The Cairo-based Arab Network for Crisis Information has reported an increase in violations of the freedom of expression and press by the Transitional Military Council.

A vendor sells newspapers at a stand in Khartoum on 12 November 2012 (Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters)

The Cairo-based Arab Network for Crisis Information has reported an increase in violations of the freedom of expression and press by the Transitional Military Council.

The network said, in a statement yesterday, that security agents and members of the Rapid Support Forces (Sudan’s main militia) continue to gag the media and prevent meetings. At the same time, leaders of the military junta are using owned media to regularly mobilise support from the public, according ot the organisation.

The statement pointed to particular instances in which the military junta has shown contempt towards the media, including: the Internet shutdown; cancellation of a press conference of the Consumers Protection Association; the dismissal of Abdelrahman El Amin, Editor-in-chief of El Sayha newspaper after he criticised the military junta; and daily summoning of Mohamed Latif, Founder and director of Teiba Press Foundation, for hosting symposiums and meetings discussing issues of the Sudanese revolution.

The network warned of the consequences of what is published by official media, especially Sudan National TV, some newspapers and writers of the former regime, from negative messages and broadcasting of hate speech to instigate discord among the people in Sudan through fabricating and spreading false news, and condemned the negative attitude of the government-controlled Sudanese Journalists Union.

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