Anniversary of Sudan’s December 2018 Revolution – Cartoons by Omar Dafallah

What began as local demonstrations in Ed Damazin capital of Blue Nile state on December 13, 2018 soon spread across Sudan in what became the December Revolution.

What began as local demonstrations in Ed Damazin capital of Blue Nile state on December 13, 2018 soon spread across Sudan in what became the December Revolution.

On Friday, mass rallies were held in Khartoum and several other states across Sudan to mark the first anniversary of the start of the revolution.

This retrospective features a series from the sharp-witted and often barbed pen of veteran Sudanese cartoonist Omar Dafallah, that have been used to illustrate Radio Dabanga reports over the past year.

From mid-December 2018, Sudan experienced a popular uprising called-out by the Sudanese Professionals Association and signatories to the Declaration of Freedom and Change, calling for the overthrow of the regime. Demonstrations were met with violent resistance from the government, however the sheer volume of public support resulted in the uprising reaching critical mass. On April 11, the 30-year dictatorship of Omar Al Bashir was overthrown by a military coup.

The past year has seen Sudan pass from 30 years of Al Bashir dictatorship, through rule by a military junta, to the current Interim Government of military-civilian power sharing, Sudan re-entering the international community under the leadership of renowned economist, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, and peace negotiations with the armed movements brokered by the South Sudan government in Juba.

December 2018

Imam El Sadig El Mahdi, leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP)
and Chair of the Sudan Call alliance, arrived at Khartoum airport on December 19, 2018.
El Mahdi was abroad in self-imposed exile until early 2017, when he returned to the Sudanese capital.
He left Sudan in August 2014 after having been detained for one month.
He was accused by the National Intelligence and Security Service of undermining the Constitution.
El Mahdi had denounced the widespread attacks against civilians in Kordofan and Darfur
by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanded by the NISS.


Omar Al Bashir during his visit to Syria (arrived December 16, 2018).
He and Bashar Al Assad agree to add Sudan to the “Russia-Iran axis” basket.


January 2019

Sudan uprising –Countries friendly to Al Bashir try to save him


Al Bashir's relations with Qatar


Criticism of Sudan's military involvement in the war in Yemen


Sudan popular uprising


February 2019

Al Bashir clings to power


Al Bashir regime collapsing


March 2019

Al Bashir's 'boat' sinking in a sea of blood, the Popular Congress Party jumps ship


Democratic Unionist Party under Mohamed Osman El Mirghani quits government


The Sudan Uprising grows stronger


April 2019


1904 On April 6, 1985 Sudanese President Jaafar El Nimeiri was ousted from power after nationwide protests,
now a
kooz (which is also slang for ‘Islamist’) will be hanged


May 2019


Saudi Arabia want El Burhan (the military) in power in Sudan


June 2019


Leaders of Sudan’s Transitional Military Council and Saudi Arabia


El Burhan on relationship with Saudi Arabia and UAE


Sudan in mourning after June 3 Massacre


RSF in power


RSF in power


The Transitional Military Council “military”
and the Forces for Freedom and Change “civilian”
on their way to the “negotiation hall”,
while an Islamist regrets the “Islamic constitution"


July 2019

Negotiations over power – Militia leader Hemeti and Islamis order the symbol of the Sudanese revolution,
an ancient Nubian Sudanese queen known as kandaka


RSF Hemeti (L) “Military Council) in power – meeting with official of the African Union” (C)
and representative of the “FFC”.
Hemeti’s ‘stool’ is junta leader Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan


August 2019

A poor Sudanese gives tools to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Asmaa Abdallah
to “clean up the mess of the Islamists” who were headed
by ousted President Omar Al Bashir – inside the Ministry, a Saudi is watching


September 2019

El Sadig El Mahdi proposing “early elections” torches “ambulatory plans” of PM Abdallah Hamdok


October 2019

“Resistance Committees” shoot a football in the goal of “October 21 March of Millions


An Islamic fundamentalist protests the
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW),
an international treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979


PM Hamdok with his “Interim Government’ – without El Sadig El Mahdi who grabs the arm of ‘Hemeti’.
El Mahdi has with him the “National Salvation Charter”
that formed the basis for the 1985 uprising against Nimeiri


November 2019

Al Bashir and Abdelrahim Hussein in prison. Ali El Haj of the PCP just joined them


What to do with Al Bashir?


Al Bashir’s party dissolved – “Grave of the National Congress Party”


Dismantlingf the 'Deep State' –  New Sudanese govt attempts to remove the Islamists from govt institutions.
The tin mug refers to kooz كوز which is also slang for ‘Islamist’ 


Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok attempts to remove Sudan from
the US list of State Sponsors of Terrorism,
while an Islamist tries to hold it back


December 2019

PM Hamdok attempts to rid Sudan of UN Sanctions, while an Islamist weighs them down


Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda,
tells Al Bashir: “You will die in The Hague”
[reference to the Sudanese movie produced this year ‘You Will Die at 20’]


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these cartoons are those of the contributing artist and do not necessarily reflect the position of Radio Dabanga.

Omar Dafallah was born in Teiba El Sheikh Abdelbagi in Sudan. He studied at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Khartoum and has worked as an illustrator, designer, and cartoonist for magazines, newspapers, and publishers across the Arab world and Europe.

As a fine artist, his paintings have been exhibited in numerous art exhibitions in Cairo, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

His sharp-witted and often barbed cartoons are featured regularly by Radio Dabanga.

Radio Dabanga’s editorial independence means that we can continue to provide factual updates about political developments to Sudanese and international actors, educate people about how to avoid outbreaks of infectious diseases, and provide a window to the world for those in all corners of Sudan. Support Radio Dabanga for as little as €2.50, the equivalent of a cup of coffee.


